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FFA Members Attend Leadership Conference
By Shaminka Elwin, El Capitan FFA Chapter Reporter

On September 12th, the El Capitan FFA officer team traveled to Merced College to attend the Merced-Mariposa Section Chapter Officer Leadership Conference. COLC, is a leadership conference where chapter officers have the opportunity to bond with chapter officers from other schools in the Merced-Mariposa Section. This year, COLC  was directed by the Merced-Mariposa Sectional Officer team, along with the Merced College Ag Ambassadors.


To start off the conference, chapter officers went outside to the amphitheater where they took part in different icebreaker activities with their office position. “This event really opened my eyes to how connected we are to one another in this community,” said Chapter President Adrian Soto. After creating bonds with students from other schools,

each El Capitan officer separated into the different workshops and got a tour of the Ag department at Merced College. Overall, the evening included many team-building and bonding activities that helped to build new friendships and leadership skills.

© 2021 El Capitan FFA.

Website Advisor: Kaylyn Davenport

Website Editor: Valexis Vang


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