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Greenhand Officer Team 22-23
President - Madysen Dietz
Meet your 2022-2023 Greenhand President, Madysen Dietz! Madysen Dietz is a 14 year old freshman at El Capitan High School. She's currently Greenhand President and has been a 4H member for the past six years serving in various leadership roles. She shows sheep, goats and cattle and enjoys working with her projects on her family's ranch. Outside of FFA, Mady is on the varsity golf team, JV basketball team, and will be running track this spring. She also enjoys spending time with her family's pets and is an avid artist.
Vice President - Henry Garcia
Meet your 2022-2023 Greenhand Vice President, Henry Garcia! Henry Garcia is 14 year old freshmen at El Capitan High School. He has shown lambs as a 4-H member for 5 years and will be showing a dairy replacement heifer this year. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his family. Outside FFA Henry is a competitive USA Swimmer. One thing he is excited for this year is participating on the small engines team.
Secretary - Danica Roden
Meet your 2022-2023 chapter Secretary, Danica Roden! Danica Roden is a 15 year old freshman at El Capitan High School. Her future goal in FFA is to be a chapter officer. She plans on increasing her leadership skills, in addition to attending conferences in different places across California. While at these conferences she plans on networking with new people that will become her lifelong friends.
Treasurer - Abigail Schneider
Meet your 2022-2023 Greenhand Treasurer, Abigail Schneider! Abigail Schneider is a 14 year old freshman at El Capitan High School. She’s currently Greenhand officer treasurer and is a part of leadership at her high school, she has been a part of various school clubs, activities, and leadership roles for the past 5 years. Outside of school and FFA, Abigail was on the freshman volleyball team and soon to be on the jv soccer team, and will be trying out for the softball team in spring. She also enjoys spending time with her family and hanging out with her pets and is an avid baker.
Reporter - Grace Phillips
Meet your 2019-2020 Greenhand Reporter, Grace Phillips! Grace Phillips is 14 years old and Freshman at El Capitan High School. Grace is currently a Greenhand officer, she is the Treasure. Grace has been in 4-H for 4 years and wants to do FFA through high school. Grace plays water polo for the El Capitan Team.
Sentinel - Nestor Martinez
Meet your 2022-2023 Greenhand Sentinel, Nestor Martinez! Nestor Martinez is a 14 year old freshman at El Capitan High School. He’s currently Greenhand Sentinel. He spends his free time by serving the community. He likes to play football and watch the NFL. He also listens to music, specifically Kanye West, almost everyday.
Historian - Maria Jovita Medellin Reynaga
Maria Jovita Medellin Reynaga is a 14 year old freshman at El Capitan High School. She was born in Salinas, California and lived there for 12 years. She attended Kindergarten in Salinas,but she moved to Merced, California where she continued her studies at Rivera Middle school and currently El Capitan High school. Since she was young, she has liked dancing,singing, being friendly, being with her family, riding horses and farming. She is currently a greenhand officer and believes that the FFA is a welcoming organization to everyone, but most importantly it offers great opportunities for a bright future.
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